linQ in the MIT Museum
The linQ method and two projects were selected for inclusion in the MIT Museum permanent exhibit “Essential MIT”.
In October 2022, the MIT Museum reopened in an all-new location with expanded space for new exhibits. The curators chose to include the MIT linQ story in “Essential MIT”, which greets visitors as they enter the exhibition space.
A quote about collaboration by MIT linQ director Martha Gray sets the tone, and two linQ Catalyst projects, neuroQWERTY and Leuko, are the first inventions visitors encounter.
Nearby, visitors can listen to recorded stories and reflections in the “Voices of MIT” installation. Dr Gray is included, as well as Catalyst Fellow Carlos Castro. You can read transcripts of their stories here.
It is a tremendous honor to have the creative and hard work by our international community included in a story about what makes MIT special. Congratulations and thanks to all the fellows, faculty, collaborators, partners, and friends who share this achievement with us.