Where can I find more information on the class, such as the syllabus and faculty members? 
The course website https://linq.mit.edu/healthcareventures/ contains most of the relevant information. Otherwise, contact the TA Madelyn Hoying (hoyingm@mit.edu).

Where can I find the syllabus?
Download the syllabus PDF

How do I enroll? 
You can enroll by filling out the pre-class survey via https://airtable.com/shrQr9KBAAsK4tcS8. Current university students should also register via MIT registrar, Sloan bidding, or their school’s cross-registration website. More information on cross-registration for other schools can be found at MIT cross-registration.

How is Healthcare Ventures different from other courses at MIT, HST, HSPH, and HMS?
HST.978 is an experiential course. Lectures by entrepreneurs and investors lend the journeys and scars from healthcare entrepreneurship, with less formal didactics. While no prerequisites are required, teams will dive into market analysis, epidemiology, clinical delivery, marketing and pricing strategy, and other important aspects of defining the Problem, Metrics of Success, Opportunity, Business Model, Go To Market Plan, Venture Pitch. Team members will be matched based on complementary backgrounds in medicine, engineering, business, public health, etc.

Can I bring existing projects / new companies to the program? 
If you have already conceptualized or done preliminary work around a potential solution for a pain point in healthcare, the Healthcare Ventures faculty invites you to share it with us for consideration as one of the class projects. We need ideas that are still in a sufficiently early, formative stage so they can be developed during the class and thus provide a foundation on which the key concepts of new medical venture development can be taught. These concepts include, but are not limited to, defining your market, understanding your customers, identifying and evaluating various stakeholders, analyzing the competition, and defining a value proposition and product/market fit.

The objective of the class is to help you to understand and engage in the process of evaluating and developing a business opportunity. The class is not intended to create a viable business opportunity at the end of the semester. So, an idea would not be acceptable if it is too far along to benefit from the disciplined approach to entrepreneurship that we teach in class.

If you don’t have an idea, that’s OK too; you will be able to choose a team/project that interests you. In past years, members of the class have advanced many interesting, impactful problems, and some have actually served as the foundation for building successful businesses. Please contact our TA to arrange an appointment with one of the faculty members so that we understand your idea in sufficient detail to ensure it meets the criteria outlined above, and to make sure you get the most out of taking the class. We look forward to speaking with you!

What is expected of class participants?
We expect all class participants to commit to attending every class (of course, with the exception of emergencies or other pre-arranged circumstances), and to commit to actively participating in a team. Teamwork is essential to the class and each member must commit to meaningful work on behalf of the team, putting theory into practice and diving deep on a big problem in healthcare. Experiments, interviews, and learning can result in rapid pivots and team disagreements, just like in real ventures.

Is it a credit course, and if so how many credits?
Yes, it gives 12 credits according to the MIT system. For non-MIT students, more information on credit conversion can be found at MIT cross-registration. For example, 12 MIT credits translate to 3.75 - 5 credits at the Harvard School of Public Health.

Will classes will be recorded?
Live videoconferencing via zoom will be available for students.  Recordings will be available for lecture portions of class for students where in the rare sessions that they cannot make a class.  The class is highly interactive and group based and recordings can only be available for lecture based sessions.

When are office hours?
These will be announced in class, but in general, the faculty are available from 3-4 pm on Thursdays before class and are flexible in accommodating students’ need to meet outside of class time.

Are undergraduate students allowed to participate?
Yes, we accept undergraduate students.

Are healthcare professionals, non-students, allowed to participate?
Yes, we accept healthcare professionals and others with deep experience in complementary technical fields to participate in the class.

As an EMBA student, when I am on campus during class time, should I attend in-person or remotely?
This class is virtual for all students for Spring 2025.

Can I let this course count towards the E&I minor?
Yes, in most cases it is possible to let the course count for the E&I minor. We recommend checking each individual case with the Innovation Initiative Program Manager, Lauren Tyger at tygerl@mit.edu.

Can I attend the first class and decide whether to enroll then?
Yes. We form teams the first class session so it is helpful for prospective class participants to review the syllabus and ask questions before the first day. That said, we understand that you may have conflicting priorities and demands, so if you are uncertain, please do attend the first class, which outlines the experience and goals over the arc of the semester and beyond.  We will form teams on the first Thursday class, so it is helpful for prospective class participants to review the syllabus and ask questions early.

Can I audit the course?
Due to the experiential nature of Healthcare Ventures, attendance at every class and active participation on a team is an essential component to learning.  Participants are discouraged from auditing the course.  Please contact the faculty if you have exceptional circumstances that may limit full participation.

What is the deadline and process to submit ideas?
Email the TA or Zen Chu zenven@mit.edu to set up a time for a brief discussion with one of the faculty.

What should I do before the first class?
Download the syllabus via this Syllabus Link, read it carefully and fill out the pre-class survey via https://airtable.com/shrQr9KBAAsK4tcS8